Military and International Policy
The United States Military and our Allied Forces provide the basis for our overwhelming sense of safety in an increasingly volatile world. It is imperative that the rest of the world maintain the understanding that in a direct fight, they will lose. Our values and ethics are not shared by every country, thus those that maintain those values must display power under the United Nations. We must work together to build each other up and provide leadership to the developing world.
As our #1 priority, we spend the greatest share of GDP on our military. The United States Military, built up over the past century, understands the level of preparedness and the associated budget necessary to maintain that status. The only exception to that rule are politicians protecting lucrative military contracts in their states against the recommendations of military leadership. That practice must end today.
The United States uses both a carrot and a stick to maintain stability in the world. I wish it were not the case, but Foreign Aid is a necessary tool to persuade governments to follow our lead. It is and should remain a small portion of overall GDP.